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canceled cancerWITH AMIR SUPPORT TECHNOLOGYAt AMIR SUPPORT, we use artificial intelligence, proprietary big data, and wave technology to detect and eliminate cancer.
SERVICESAMIR SUPPORTDATA MININGAMIR SUPPORT utilizes its devices to scan various parts of the body, collecting and organizing vital data for analysis and personalized insights.notifications_activeSMART NOTIFICATIONSAMIR SUPPORT provides smart alerts to notify users when the probable time of cancer onset is approaching.detect various types of cancerAMIR SUPPORT utilizes AI and its proprietary big data to accurately detect various types of cancer cells.personalized treatmentAMIR SUPPORT utilizes AI and its proprietary big data to provide personalized treatment methods tailored to each user.wb_incandescentDATA PROCESSING AMIR SUPPORT leverages its AI to process various medical data types, extracting precise and actionable information.bubble_chart predict the probable time of cancer onsetAMIR SUPPORT uses AI and proprietary big data to detect various types of cancer cells and predict the probable time of cancer onset.